belly tattoos for girls

Has a woman ever came towards you on a beach and you have noticed her belly tattoo? It seems to draw your eyes immediately to her navel and surrounding area. Belly tattoos can look very sensual and depending upon the design chosen to enhance the femininity. Choosing a tattoo on this part of the body can be flexible in the design and size.

This particular design style dates back hundreds of years and was mostly worn by Indian women. The women of today also have their belly button pierced along with having a belly tattoo. The combination of the two together, if done in the right design, look amazing and quite sensual. If you are considering having both of these things done, then it is best to check with your body piercer or tattoo artist to set up a time frame for this.

For a feminine tattoo design for your belly does not mean just necessarily your belly button area. This can also mean extending from just under your breast to come down the side of your belly and around your belly button as well. Most tattoos of this style are very intricate in design and often are designed with exotic plants, flowers or vines.

Tips to consider about belly tattoos:
The navel tattoo might be a little hard to take care of and maintain the look of if there is weight gain. Could possibly stretch and sag.
If you are considering children. Think about how this may effect your tattoo appearance. A tattoo will tend to expand as the stomach expands.
Ask the tattoo artist for advice for care and maintenance and how the tattoo will change over time.

Never get a tattoo because it is popular or someone told you to. Getting inked is a serious life time decision, that requires consideration, thought and research before you make any decision.
Ozzy Soth is an Author and tattoo enthusiast that enjoys writing informative articles on body modifications. For more information and pictures of belly tattoos, check out the website at http://www.PicturesofTattoos.Org and learn where to find the best tattoo flash now!

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